This is a great research project with plenty of anecdotal evidence supporting the use of clean birth kits. Goal of the project was to look at the experience of 84 traditional midwives using CBKs provided by Birthing Kits Foundation Australia in inland Kenya. The researches wanted to understand how the kits impacted the way midwives practiced.
They conducted interviews. Here’s some of the midwives own words about hte usefulness of CBKs in infection control:
The midwife can not be infected maybe when the woman has a problem …//…if the woman has an infection, they protect you (Participant, group interview 9)
[Birth kits] protect [us] from some infections…//…They protect the midwives from infection …//…So they protect the baby from germs (Participant, group interview 7).
A patient is already …//… who is in second stage, and another comes, so I’ll not be able to use this one, for the two patient, because if the patient has got to use one, because of the spreading of this, the HIV, if you wanted to prevent it, we can use that, that method, so each patient should have one, one, one(Participant, group interview 1)
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