Article in Lao Voices about Lao baby docs getting a skills update:
Health officials are confident of a significant reduction in neonatal death rates now that the Swiss-Laos Hospital Project has updated the skills of Lao neonatologists nationwide.
This was the first opportunit y for many Lao neonatologists to share their experiences with skilled Swiss experts from the project, which aims to help Laos reach the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on reducing the death rates of mothers and children by 2015.
Dr Marion Monkhoff (second right) explains the care of newborns, witnessed by Dr Bouavanh Saensathit ( fourth right ) and Swiss neonatologists.
The specific targets agreed by the Ministry of Health under the MDGs are to reduce the death rate of birthing mothers to 260 out of every 100,000 births by 2015. Most recent statistics put this figure at 300 in 2010.
The other target is for a reduction in the death rate of children under one year old from 55 (2010) down to 45 (by 2015) out of every 1,000, and for children under five a reduction from 75 (2010) to 70 (by 2015) out of every 1,000.
Vice President of the Swiss-Laos Hospital Project, Dr Marion Monkhoff, said on Friday the project was very pleased to join the Lao Ministry of Health in working to achieve MDG 4 on reducing the death rate of infants and MDG 5 on the improvement of maternal health.
“The project aims to help all newborns to survive with good health,” she said.
During the three-day training course, Lao and Swiss neonatologists not only covered modern theory of neonatal and midwifery procedures, but also the practical field to make sure they can help newborns in the best way possible.
After the training course, the project provided participants with essential equipment for the care of newborns. Participants will return to their hometowns to pass on their skills to newly-qualified colleagues, thus further ensuring Laos achieves its MDGs in relation to mother and child health.
Director of the Mother and Child Health Hospital, Associate Prof. Dr Bouavanh Saensathit, said that continuous improvement and training of provincial neonatologists was the correct way to proceed, in light of maternal and infant mortality rates remaining stubbornly high in some rural areas.
“The Swiss assistance supports the Ministry of Health’s policy to lower the mortality rate of mothers and children throughout the country,” he said. The financial contribution provided by the Swiss-Laos Hospital Project varies between US$0.5 million and US$1 million per annum. It is envisaged that the project will continue to help Laos for many years to come.
The Swiss-Laos Hospital Project is an initiative by Swiss doctors, midwives, nurses and project participants, who have worked for improvements in the medical care available to mothers and children in Laos since 2000.
Source: Vientiane Times
By Xayxana Leukai
(Latest Update March 20, 2012)
Wanderlustress says
Thank you for posting information about maternal and neonatal care in Laos. I’ve learned a lot from your posts. Just curious, what is your connection to Laos? Are you there now? We will be moving there later this year.
wandermama says
Hey. Good question:) A couple of reasons. I want to begin supplying clean birth kits to Laos, because of the need: high birth-related infant/maternal mortality, 80% home births with very few birth attended by trained attendant. Also the Lao government seems to be working toward improving conditions: midwives training, new hospitals. Finally, I have lived for 2 years in Thailand and have traveled in Laos. I love that part of the world and would enjoy the chance to work there. Why are you headed there?
Wanderlustress says
My husband’s work is taking us there for two years. Good luck with your mission, such important work!