The new Yale midwifery students have been selected. Our tickets have been purchased. We know what our objectives are:
1. Training in Clean Birth Kits and WHO’s Essentials of Newborn Care.
2. Get feedback from nurses. How is program going? Changes? What do they need that we can give. (New training and items other than kits, babies, bag/mask)
3. On-site assessment of clinics. What they have and need.
4. Feedback from ACD about the program and future plans.
5. Meet with Provincial Health to see about their ideas for expansion of our training.
6. Visit Champasak College of Health Services. Learn about nursing and midwifery programs.
We met this week and are so thrilled to return and build on what we have done in July!
Cele Jevitt, the leader of the Yale group, has suggested additional training topics in response to the nurses’ questions during our July training. These include: Hemorrhage, breastfeeding, and Breech.
It should be a wonderful training and its a very tangible goal for our upcoming crowd funding. We are working to raise $10,000 in 3 weeks!!
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