is lucky enough to have the support of the Yale University School of Nursing.
Yale midwifery students instruct the nurses in Essential Newborn Care & Resuscitation. They also are able to answer questions very specific to the needs of the local nurses. They Yale team adapts their training to the very low-resource settings in which we function.
The Yale School of Nursing funds 75% of the trip, with the participants paying the remaining 25% themselves.
In July 2014 Dr. Cecilia Jevitt and two midwifery students traveled with to teach local nurses the World Health Organization’s Essentials of Newborn Car
e. The Essentials are clean birth, newborn resuscitation, skin to skin newborn care, basic newborn care and breastfeeding. The students were certified in the American Academy of Pediatric’s Neonatal Resuscitation Program before leaving for Laos. Additionally, students used the WHO’s community resource inventory to document baseline health resources in Salavan Province. Read more about our first trip.
In March 2015, Yale midwives helped again, bringing their expertise and ability to field many questions from the local nurses.
We are thrilled to announce our third Training in March 2016!
Here is the team: