I know that I have written about this organzation before but so worth checking out if you are interested in infant health and survival. Website: http://www.helpingbabiesbreathe.org/
Objective of HBBTo ensure that all babies are born with a skilled birth attendant present.
The CurriculumHelping Babies Breathe is a neonatal resuscitation curriculum for resource-limited circumstances. It was developed on the premise that assessment at birth and simple newborn care are things that every baby deserves. The initial steps taught in HBB can save lives and give a much better start to many babies who struggle to breathe at birth. The focus is to meet the needs of every baby born.
The Golden Minute®Helping Babies Breathe emphasizes skilled attendance at birth, assessment of every baby, temperature support, stimulation to breathe, and assisted ventilation as needed, all within “The Golden Minute” after birth.
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