Laos’ moms and babies need help. From CIA The World Factbook:
57.77 infant deaths/1,000 live births. 35th worst in the world.
580 maternal deaths/100,000 live births . 20th worst in the world.
Clean birth kits have proven effective in preventing infection, which causes 1 in 5 birth-related maternal deaths worldwide.
In Laos, 80% of births happen at home — only 20% with an attendant, according to doctors on the ground. Studies have shown that in the home setting clean birth kits are particularly effective. Analysis of 20,000 home births in rural areas of India , Nepal , and Bangladesh showed that the “use of the birth kits was linked to a dramatic drop (48%) in neonatal mortality.”Study here.
The hygienic benefits of clean birth kits can make the difference for Lao moms and babies, by preventing infection for both.